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Issues of Manhood in Black and White- paperback

Issues of Manhood in Black and White- paperback

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The need to examine Issues of Manhood in its complexity is mandatory. The mere mention of manhood conjures up debate, often hostile: polarized. Manhood in definition seems ever-changing, under challenge and charge. In view of behavior often confusing, violent, sometimes immature, and invariably nonproductive, frequently to the detriment of the black community, manhood stokes discussion and search for an alternative, even status quo overthrow. The age-old issue of "what is a man", "be a man", man as leader, provider and producer, is encased in a political, economic, social and geopolitical framework largely in the manufacture and control of a dominating power oft-times white, racist, ruthless, American, where ambition and opportunities to succeed are curtailed, few, education poor or inappropriate, history and psychohistory deemed irrelevant, violence and aggression without respite, where city, state and national governmental regimes care little to alleviate these conditions except line the coffers of wealthy friends and class allies as entitlement. Wilson takes this issue by the scruff in his accustomed way, rendering a searingly absolutely brilliant treatise for any historical time. Although delivered over 25 years ago, in view of right wing racist ascent to governmental office nationwide, his accuracy seems spot-on prophetic.
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